Our Team


Dakota Rudloff-Eastman

Co-Owner . Farmer

Dakota has a Sustainable Food Systems degree, and loves to think about the bigger picture. Prior to starting her own business she spent years managing different vegetable operations throughout New England. Dakota is passionate about building systems, soil, and community. She loves good food, and loves to grow it!


Matthew Went

Co-Owner . Farmer

Before Matt decided to be a farmer he studied Philosophy and Physics; and after spending years as an outdoor educator leading wilderness trips, and instructing white water kayaking, he chose a career in agriculture. In addition to being a great farmer, Matt is also a skilled brewer, and when time allows he spends his time brewing beer.

  • Brett Deresienski

    Field Production Manager

    A Connecticut native, Brett has returned to the area after earning his Masters degree in Food Studies and working on a variety of small farms in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. Brett is passionate about using his background in sustainable food systems and soil health to promote climate smart agriculture practices. In his free time, Brett can still be found outdoors either taking a good hike, exploring a local brewery, or attending a baseball game.

  • Brenna Larson

    Market Operations, Marketing, and Grants Manager

    Brenna comes to us most recently from Florence, Italy, where she was completing her Ph.D. in Art History (UMich 2023). Over many years living in Tuscany, Brenna fell in love with Italy’s obsession with local, seasonal food and could not be more thrilled to support River Ridge in cultivating that same culinary joy in Connecticut!

  • Christine Bellanceau

    Market Associate

    Christine comes to us with a background in catering, professional pierogi making, and real estate. She is passionate about food systems, pitch-perfect recipes, and cultivating her own, extraordinary culinary garden.

  • Ellen Perry

    Wholesale & Wash/Pack Manager and Organic Certification Coordinator

    Ellen Perry is an experienced farmer, urban gardener, food justice activist, and artist. She has been working in food systems, in restaurants and on farms for nearly a decade. She brings with her a passion for growing healthy, delicious food and getting it to the people! Community care and mutual aid are critical to Ellen’s value system. When she’s not farming, she enjoys spending time with her partner, Fernando and their 2 year old, Gabriel. She enjoys a good cup of coffee, reading science fiction, studying and practicing herbalism, foraging, and has recently taken up visible mending and knitting!

  • Ryan Watson

    Greenhouse Production Manager

    Originally from Long Island, Ryan earned a degree in Sustainable Agriculture and Controlled Environment Agriculture at the University of Arizona. There, he worked and studied at the Controlled Environment Agriculture Center growing produce including a wide range of tomato varieties. Ryan went on to work in California as an assistant grower before returning to Arizona to work as an urban farmer, irrigation system designer, and most recently as a research assistant for a small grains breeder. He is excited to use his acquired skills to help River Ridge grow!

    When he’s not at the farm, Ryan and his partner CJ spend their time with their daughter enjoying activities like hiking, fishing, and cooking.

  • Caleb Ragnar Connor

    Manager, Rose's Berry Farm

    We are thrilled to welcome Caleb back to the River Ridge team after a two-year hiatus! His return has been a full circle experience for all of us, and he is so pleased to be back on the land tasting the fruits—literally—of his labor. He is a creator of all things fermented, homebrewed and pickled, and when he's not at the farm he can be found on Northeast mountains pursuing membership in the Northeast 111 Club.

  • Jasmine Peck

    Farm Hand

    Jasmine has been working with us at River Ridge for the last three years, helping with the full process of getting food to market! She is passionate about sustainable agriculture and loves getting her hands dirty. When not at the farm, Jasmine runs her own massage therapy business in Glastonbury and enjoys spending time outdoors and honing her skills in the circus arts.

  • Farmer harvesting lavender

    Nicole Molloy

    Farm Hand

    Nicole is a recent graduate of the University of Connecticut and an experienced grower, plant & soil enthusiast, and mental health advocate. With experience working in plant nurseries, organic farms, and the NRCS, she brings a multifaceted perspective to River Ridge. Nicole aspires to farm independently of commercial monopolies and to help other farmers reclaim their sovereignty. She is passionate about the importance of traditional, organic farming practices in the face of our changing climate and economy. In her free time, Nicole loves attending metal shows, exploring nature, and being with her loved ones.